Friday, November 26, 2010

A Winter Market

We all associate a farmers market as a summertime activity, or perhaps in the Fall when many produce items ripen and are harvested. I would venture that most of us would not think of November as a time when one could wander down to select produce...or anything for that matter.

Au contraire, mon ami! (and yes, that is all the French I know). Although the last consecutive market day for the Montavilla Farmers Market was in October, one special market day was still to be had on the weekend before Thanksgiving. What better opportunity for fresh local produce for a holiday that celebrates the bountiful harvest?

One comment that was repeated often during the November market day was...BRRRRR!!! We woke to sunshine for the morning set-up, but the clouds rolled in and the temperature dropped as the day wore on, and there were a few snowflakes reported in the late afternoon. Nevertheless, the crowds came and the vendors sold their produce, in time for the Thanksgiving feasts.

The happy people at the market information tent.


...and fruit were in abundance. were smiling faces

The cold weather brought out not only the vendors and the customers, but our hearts were warmed by lovely music as well.

These are celery roots. I was told by Kathryn Yeomans, the Montavilla Market Chef that these are delicious. Stay tuned for the recipe. (remember another thing - I'm a writer and a photographer...not a cook or a foodie)

Bearing in mind that I am an urban-type of guy, I think of a carrot as being imagine my surprise at this rainbow collage of colorful carrots. (and yes, "rainbow carrots" are what these are called. Who would've thought?)

Even Kathryn our market demonstration chef was bundled for the weather, as she prepares for her demonstration of the day.

Thank goodness for the heat of the stove.

One new program the Market did this year is called "Everybody Eats". In order to improve access to healthy food for all people regardless of income, the Market made available $1,200 worth of tokens to 48 families who otherwise may not be able to have fresh local produce for Thanksgiving meals. The program was in partnership with St Vincent de Paul.

After all...isn't that what being thankful is all about? You can read more about the Montavilla Farmers Market and Everybody Eats at this link: