Thursday, March 24, 2011

Off the Beaten Path - Part 2, the Sacred and the Profane

Second in a (random) series of my travels throughout the country.  A couple of weeks ago I had the occasion to travel to Spokane, Washington on business.  As it was, my work was completed earlier than i expected and I had some time to kill before my plane left to take me back to Portland...and I had my camera.  As I drove back to Spokane after my meeting, I noticed a church tower on the hills behind downtown and my curiosity was piqued.  I drove until I happened upon The Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, of the Episcopal Church.  Construction was started in 1925, the building is of classic gothic architecture and could easily be at home in England.  I started taking photos outside, but the rain prevented me from capturing any noteworthy images.  However, a bold moment and the generosity of church staff allowed me some shots of the beautiful interior.  For more information, here is a link:

I love arches, especially when there are several in a row.

This is looking east, toward the Chancel and the Transept (Imagine a cross, and the transept is where the two parts cross.  The chancel is the end or the "top" of the cross, usually at the east end.)

From the lectern, looking over the Bible 

From Spokane I drove down west on Interstate 90 to the town of Ritzville, WA, a pioneer town that saw it's heyday during the growth of agriculture in eastern Washington.  It's shrunk in size and probably on it's way to becoming a ghost town. 

This is the Zion Philadelphia Church of Christ in Ritzville, built in 1888 and listed on the Washington Register of Historic Places.  This is also of a Gothic architecture, though decidely less grand than the Cathedral.

I also stopped in the town of Sprague, just off the freeway...and it was like the freeway let time pass by this little town.  There was the biggest collection of old cars and trucks from the 40's and 50's that I've seen.

 Mary Queen of Heaven Parish was established in 1882, and this building was built in 1883.
An old tow truck...I really did feel like I went through a time warp, driving through this town. 

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